Monday, October 27, 2008

Trees, they're everywhere. At this time of year, in my state, they change colors. I love the fall! Of course this isn't the reason for this blog!

FAMILY TREES!!! Anyone interested in Genealogy? I am. I have been since 1964. I was 14. My mom filled out a pedigree chart, and I was hooked! How easy is this, I thought? I can sit here and fill out little blanks by the hour. I LOVE filling in little blanks :) Then, I got older and got married. Another tree to add to mine. But where my family tree was full and had tons of leaves and fruit on it, my husbands tree was thin, undernourished, and just plain unhealthy! Oh I was eager to get started. How hard could filling in those little blanks be???

Problem one. My husbands family on his mother's side were AMERICAN INDIANS. Fantastic! I love our native people.....but they didn't like writing things down. AND, when g grandpa's parents were killed by white people, and he was "adopted" into a white family and took their name....all information stopped. You see, g grandpa was MEAN, and he hated white people, and he tried to end some white people's lives. Now honestly, I can't blame the guy, after all, white man killed his parents, right? But now, there is no information on his indian name, and nothing about his family. I can't even be positive if the above story is true....handed down as it has been.

In the 30's, 40's, and 50's, being an Indian was a trial where my Mother in Law came from. The information was best hidden. Oh, and, g grandma married a man from England, so now, my Mother in Law was considered a half-breed. AWFUL. According to them growing up. Life was very hard. Luckily, my MIL looked like her father, more english than indian, and that's how she lived her life. Her Indian roots were buried. The thing I'm getting at is this. How awful for my MIL and her sister and brothers. To be ashamed of who or what you are.

My children are part indian. We made sure they knew this. They are proud to be Indian. My youngest child has "petitioned" to become a member of this tribe. Guess how? HE NEEDS TO PROVE HIS HERITAGE! Luckily, I kept filling in all those little blanks through the years, and we have proof that his heritage goes like this: him (also his brother and sister), his dad, his dad's mom, her mom, and her dad....
Parent (father)
g grandmother
gg grandfather

Now if I could just find out whether or not gg grandfather's wife was really born in a cave in Nevada, we would have a REAL story! Do your genealogy. It is really a treasure. BLINK

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